Thursday, July 15, 2010

Does Your Child Attend This School - Feel Guilty?


  1. I just love the accent where insulting sounds so enjoyable at the same time being slap upside the head.

  2. Supi, yup it's kinda like someone helping you hold the umbrella while they're pissing on you.

  3. That's a good one! Esp. the last part of moving to another country if you don't speak english.

    I wish they'd do that hear, all I hear is gibber jabber in spanish around here, and it makes me annoyed to say the least.

  4. Bunni, if we and the Libs aren't careful, English will be our second language.

  5. The last part was the best. Move to a country that speaks it. Yep!

  6. Christopher, isn't that a fun one? Every time I listen to it, it makes me chuckle.

  7. That's been quite popular in Britain for a while, it even gets onto the radio now and again.

    The accent is called "recieved English" and has just about died out now even among the Royals.

  8. Righty, your reaction is much like mine.

  9. Banned, Thank you for the English lesson. All I can tell you is her accent is beautiful.


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