Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Those Wacky Walmart Shoppers Again IV

 Big Bird, you are doing an absolutely horrible job of trying to cover up and hide!
 Since we stopped going to the moon............ Or clean up on aisle 9 (bad stuff)
That is one tall drink of water!
I feel that people just don't know me. And are quick to judge who I am.
(or if I steal these thongs, will anyone notice?)
Is there any other way to pick the best toy? You may say wearing a shirt would help, but I think not.
(Oh look, someone caught Woodsterman on camera...)

That's All Folks !




  1. This must be high fashion somewhere in the world surely ...........

  2. Is there any end to the horror?

    These people all could have a career in the circus (better than them living on welfare as you just know they do).

  3. Hi Odie! That is not you in the last pic!
    I bet you have flowered ones!

  4. I see it in my own family and I just shake my head in dismay.

  5. This is making our walmart look boring!

  6. Odie,

    Now #2 makes sense! This is an expierenced Walmart shopper and or a devote reader of your blog.

    Although if (I say if) I ever were to ever enter a Walmart again I would prefer a HAZMAT suit, this guy is properly dressed for the adventure.

  7. Bunni, flowered what ... finger tips?

  8. No Blog, it's parent's job to embarrass their kids. I do it every chance I get.

  9. Those yellow leggings make me smile.

  10. Christopher, we need more bravery from our Walmart shoppers ... buck-up man, buck-up!

  11. This confirms it, "Walmart has everything" and in vast quanities!

  12. A guy that scratches his ass in public can't be all bad.

  13. Ron, you're right ... you can find everything there.

  14. I don't think picking a little cheese in public ever hurt anyone. That sure is an interesting way of testing out the thong.

  15. Teresa, you're completely wrong. It just felt so good.


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