Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama Releases New Method For Repelling Oil From The Gulf Coast


  1. Perhaps Arizona could send all their illegals to the Gulf to splash the oil away like that.

    Little Johny gets expelled from the swimming pool for peeing in the water.
    Mum (US Mom) complains to the attendant saying that "lots of little boys pee in the pool".

    Lifeguard responds
    "Maybe, but your son did it from the top of the diving board!"

  2. Banned, That's a great idea about putting the illegals to work.

    I see nothing wrong with what little Johnny did. He was just showing everyone what a great shot he was by finally finding something he could hit.

  3. Hey! That's my turtle sandbox, in the backyard. I'll have to give that a try. Maybe I can repell Census Bureau worker.

  4. Snarky, now don't make fun of Obama's "protect the Gulf Coast from oil slick plan."


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