Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We Have A New Champ ...

It took a long time to beat him out but unfortunately someone did........

Here is the billboard that went up today in beautiful, sunny   Grand Junction , CO .


  1. Don't feel bad Jimmuh, you're no longer the worst! Possibly the ugliest, though. Man, the years ain't been kind to ya at all, have they Jimmuh?

  2. I remember when Carter was elected. He really *did* have a beautiful smile. Back then, there was no teeth-whitening, so a nice smile was something to behold.

    Obama is worse, for sure. Great billboard.

  3. I once had breakfast at the Cracker Barrel outside Jimmeh's hometown, and this was the start to our vacation to Flori-duh. Let's just say it was the beginning of the end of that vacation, which we conitne to call The Summer of Malaise.

  4. Carter can be appreciative of Obama for one thing-now he's not the worst President ever.

    Carter does look like he's an old fart who lives in the middle of the woods with no access to a dentist or any other doctor for that matter.

  5. Carter still holds some kind of record on inflation and I think both are tied for first place on foreign policy. We've yet to suffer two more years of what Obama has in store for us!

  6. innominatus, Jimmuh was the greatest. He's the only president that how to grow a peanut.

  7. Opie, how can you remember something like that at such a young age. I remember trying to bye and sell a house at 15% interest ...ouch!

  8. Snarky, your not telling us you don't visit Plains Georgia anymore are you?

  9. Teresa, Jimmuh has a great lifetime healthcare thanks to we tax payers. He won't be touched by Obamacare.

  10. Euripides, The libs think Carter was one of the smartest Presidents ever. I personally don't think IQ helps in anyway with "street smart common sense". I can't tell you how much money I threw away in the toilet on interest. Obama is going to try to kick our collective asses before he's done.


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