Friday, September 20, 2024

Silver Laughter ~ON~ Funderwhoopee Funday


Odie, a 65-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, strolls into the Country Club with a stunning 25-year-old blonde by his side. Her beauty and charm leave everyone in the room speechless. She clings to Odie’s arm, hanging on his every word as if he’s the most fascinating man in the world.

His buddies at the club are in shock. They pull him aside and ask, "Odie, how'd you land a girlfriend like that?"

Odie grins and says, "Girlfriend? She's my wife!"

His friends are floored but can’t resist asking, "How on earth did you convince her to marry you?"

Odie leans in with a sly smile and says, "I lied about my age."

They nod knowingly. "Ah, you told her you were 50?"

Odie chuckles and replies, "Nope, I told her I was 90." 

The Mailbox ~ON~ Funderwhoopee Friday


I pass by this ancient mailbox every day on my walks. The old rusty box is nailed to an oak that has to be 150 years old. After 6 years of passing it by I decided to open the box to see if anything was inside. After all, there isn’t even a house nearby to which it could possibly serve anyway. Any home it serviced was long ago torn down I’m sure. I noticed an ancient letter inside as you can see in picture #2. I looked at the post mark date and it said July 7, 1903. Due to age and moisture the addressee on the envelope was not readable, so I opened up the envelope hoping to find some local history and a good story I could share with you. Here is what the letter inside said. “We at Carriage Shield hate to be the bearer of bad news Mr Mallard but the warranty on your buggy has expired. Please take a few minutes to sign up for our 2-horse plan and never worry about those expensive wheel and horseshoe repairs again.” 

Gotcha didn’t I! Haha .... Author Unknown.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Skipisms Are Our Wednesdays ~ PM


If this blog offends you . . . .

Thanks Skip