Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday Fun Odds and Ends ~ 3

"Found in Florida! So one of the owners of a hotel, Judi was walking on the beach this morning cleaning up the junk that washed into shore and finds a bottle with a message in it. There is also some sand and 2 one dollar bills. Once we get it open and read the notes we find out that it is in fact NOT sand. It is the ashes of this woman's husband of 70 years named Gordon. She writes that He loved to travel so she sent him traveling in a bottle with a note and money for someone to call home and tell her where he landed. He started at Big Pine Key in March of 2012 and then went to Islamorada where someone found him. They added a note and sent him traveling again and he landed on our beach in Key Colony. Judi called the wife in Tennessee who was excited to know of Gordon's travels! Judi added her note, we put him in a rum bottle (you know added a little fun to his trip) with the three notes. We added another dollar in case Gordon travels far and a long distance call is needed. We will be having a memorial service or celebration of his life on our beach later today before sending him on his way again."
Credit: Allex1337

 Thanks Jan!


  1. Another uplifting story! How cool, thanks for finding this.

  2. Thank goodness they didn't empty the bottle on a windy beach before they read the notes!
    This is really a great story.
    Thank you, Odie and Jan.
    Everyone be safe and have a blessed weekend!

    1. LindaG, then he'd be traveling many places all at once.

  3. You are very welcome !! Love your blog!

  4. That story really made my day--Thanks for sharing.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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