Sunday, December 16, 2012


I met a fairy today. He said he would grant me one wish.

"I want to live forever", I said.

"Sorry", said the fairy. "I'm not allowed to grant wishes like that."

"Fine", I said, "Then I want to die as soon as Congress gets its head out of its ass."

"You crafty bastard", said the fairy.


  1. What an early morning surprise this was.

    A new level of crafty and eye pain too.

  2. Where did you find that photo of me, Odie?

  3. My wish would have been to please never wear that outfit again...

  4. Loved the joke, but that photograph is enough to make you barf. Took that in San Francisco right?

    Have a terrific Sunday Odie. :)

  5. LL, I googled "Gay Fairy" and walla, there you were.

  6. HAHAHAHAAAA!!! Thanks for that much needed laugh, Odie!

  7. That's hilarious...

  8. So what's the joke, the guy or the text?

  9. Brooke, that's why we're still open for business here at Woodsterman.

  10. I think I might need some brain bleach after seeing that picture.

  11. Congress only wishes for more money---all of them! As for the fairy---hope I never see one again.


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