Friday, February 26, 2010

The Census Is Getting Personal


  1. Your census sounds even more intrusive than ours in the UK! Mind you, our next one is due in 2011 - let's see what they come up with :S One thing is good here - we don't have to give the information to a census taker on the doorstep - we can fill it in ourselves and mail it back.

    Have a good weekend Odie :o)

  2. Lady, I've never had someone come to the door either. I always have had it mailed also. We'll see what happen when I get it this time.

  3. Woody -- sorry for the long no showing from me. Found you a good one -- -- you'll like it. Reminded me of your blog. Later buddy, sharky.

  4. In UK the census is based upon who spent the night in which household on the night in question. On that night I plan to sleep in a camper-van on the beach.
    Should they capture me I will claim Jedi as my religion and for 'sexuality' I will claim 'other/asap'. When it comes to Ethnicity I shall, with many thousands of others, claim to be Innuit as this fits on their computers.

  5. Sharky, I just visited you today after a long absence ... small world.

  6. banned, That sounds like a great idea. I'll take my motorhome to the beach.

  7. THis is a great video with lots of good information.

  8. Hide in our secret bunker, or fill it out like Snarkey B did. I"m just putting # ppl in the house and that's IT

  9. My next door neighbor and I want to give wrong answers, Bunni.


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