Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm A Lumberjack .....

I hope this brightens your Sunday,
and I hope a certain friend is
cheered up by this also.

Hat Tip to blackandgoldfan 
for reminding me of this skit on
her fun Saturday post.


  1. Odie! That was funny and got me laughing, and singing along. I never missed Monty Pyton on PBS sunday nites. I'm glad they have a youtube channel, and I'll be watching more. I sent u a note. Bye, Bunni

  2. Any day with a Monty Python skit is a good day. (Did you know that the IFC channel had their stuff on overnight all last week? I hardly slept!)

  3. Bunni, I thought of you when I posted it. Got your note ...

  4. Dr. Dave, You can't beat Monty Python. What is the IFC channel?

  5. Very nice. Thanks for the smiles and laughs.

  6. One of my all-time favorites. Today, your blog is the Smithsonian of the Internet.

  7. Opie, One of favorites brought a smile to your face ... That's why I do it ... thanks.

  8. One of my all time favorites. Nickie, it's good to bring back very of the best. I will try my best to do so often.


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